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FREE eBook! Learn the Best Swing for YOUR Body and Start Hitting the Ball Your BEST!

"Chuck Quinton is without a doubt one of the top instructors in the industry. Read this book and you'll see why!" - Review

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Selling for $295 on Amazon, for a very limited time, you can get your copy FREE! "Eye opening book!" - Amazon Review "There is a special emphasis properly placed on anatomy and the connection between mind/body unlike any other instruction book I have read." - Amazon Review

What IS RotarySwing?

It's NOT a quick-tip, band-aid fix approach to fixing your golf swing. It's NOT the latest golf instruction fad that's here today, gone tomorrow. It's NOT like anything you've EVER seen before.  

RotarySwing is a SHORTCUT to YOUR BEST GOLF  

It IS the world's only proven effective golf swing learning system that is backed by leading medical experts It IS the safest, fastest way to learn how to swing the club like the pros. It IS going to make you a dramatically better ball striker!  

Having a great golf swing used to mean you had to be "born" with it. But RotarySwing Founder and former professional golfer, Chuck Quinton, didn't agree with that philosophy - and set out to prove it.  

After more than 15 years of obsessive research and testing with nearly 100,000 students, his RotarySwing 5 Step System has proven, time and time again in his now famous RotarySwing RoadShow lessons (click here), that ANYONE of ANY ABILITY, AGE or FLEXIBILITY can not only learn a swing as good as the pros, but can be taught these moves in literally just one lesson!  

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I did not pick up a golf club until age 60. Although I enjoyed golf over the years, my enjoyment was somewhat diminished as I experienced back pain, shoulder pain and intermittent left knee pain after most rounds. I just assumed that these were issues older golfers had to live with. With instruction from Rotary Swing I now play with no back or shoulder pain.

- Rick Clinger

rotary swing review

I've been compressing the ball like an animal, and I can hear the difference. It now feels like what the RST videos have been teaching, and my mirror now shows it. My swing is now so easy and effortless it's ridiculous! Not only is the ball going further but it's also really straight with a nice baby draw. Better late than never, right?

- Ron Haberman, M.D.

How the Most Ground Breaking Golf Swing Learning System was Created

Are you tired of getting conflicting golf tips for other online golf instruction videos, working hard on your golf swing and not improving and not being able to get answers about the golf swing that make sense? If that's you, you're in the right place. RotarySwing is the answer. I took an objective look at the golf swing because I was tired of asking questions that no other instructor could ever answer; and if they did they would contradict a different instructor. The golf swing isn't rocket science, nor is it a mystery - at least not anymore.  

The Rotary Golf Swing answers EVERY question you've ever had about the golf swing with FACTS. The questions you've had about the physics, biomechanics and learning science of the golf swing - all answered in one place. Never again will you watch an online golf instruction video and wonder if that's a golf tip that applies to YOUR golf swing. From now on, you'll know exactly what golf swing fundamentals apply to you because ALL of the RotarySwing golf swing fundamentals apply to everyone! That's right! You have the exact same muscles that attach at the exact same places as everyone else! You've just figured out a far less efficient way to use your muscles than the pros! Through our online golf instruction videos learning program, you'll learn the truths behind the golf swing and why there is a better way to swing the golf club - the Rotary Golf Swing way!