
You're Just Seconds Away From Becoming Part Of....

The MOST Interactive, Hands On
Digital Golf Experience In The WORLD!

Simply Put...The Next 3 Months Will Be The Most Transformative Of Your Golfing Life!

RSA Members Have Dropped Up To 11 Strokes
(Without even going to the range!)

Without going to the range? It sounds crazy.....but it's TRUE and you'll understand how shortly!

RotarySwing Academy was designed to be THE most inclusive, advanced and personalized golf training you've ever experienced.

You're already a member of Rotary Swing or you wouldn't be seeing this page. This program isn't even available to the general public and there's a reason for it. This is available ONLY for those who have proven that they are TRULY interested in improving their game.

You proved that the day you joined. Now the question is.....

How Good Do YOU Want To Get?

Make no mistake, you WILL drastically improve your game just by simply following RotarySwing's core program. The Lead Side/Trail Side methods are unlike ANY training you will find anywhere.

But RotarySwing Academy is THE fast-track blueprint ONLY for those who want improvement at record pace and a step by step blueprint. It's designed for those that truly WANT IT and are willing to put the effort in to get it.

I'm not going to sugar coat this. A lot of people say they want it, but when it comes to putting in the effort....well let's just say they liked the idea of results more than they wanted to actually do the work to get them.

That's the beauty of RSA. You WILL get the results and you WILL get them in record time. You just have to decide if YOU have what it takes to follow it.....and honestly....most just don't.

Imagine how nice it would be 3 months from now when you step on the first tee and stripe it 30 yards past your playing partners with laser straight accuracy.

Imagine playing 18 holes and feeling REFRESHED rather than tired, sore and frustrated.

You're Much Closer To This Being Reality Than You May Realize!

RotarySwing Academy
takes the regular premium membership and puts it on steroids. That's the best way I can describe it. I've taken my more than 3 decades of work and put it into a series of clinic videos that will transform your understanding of the golf game forever.

You will literally know more about the golf swing than most tour pros AND more about how to improve your swing after just the first 4 videos. Don't take my word for it, one of the current members said it themselves:

"I've learned more about the golf swing in just one RSA video
than I have in the past 40 years of taking lessons! Why everyone isn't doing
this is beyond me!" - Tom P.

How good is the current RotarySwing membership you already have? We've got members who have been with us since 2005.....that's almost 20 years! Clearly we've been doing something right!

You are in GREAT hands already, that's why I'm going to repeat myself and tell you once again that THIS IS ONLY for people who are ready to take everything up a few levels and do it at record pace.

Over the years I've had members ask me "Chuck, everything is great but do you have something more?"

Now at first I kind of thought what more could you want? Within the premium membership you already have a TON of material, everything is broken down for you, it's organized in an easy to follow fashion and we have the members forum for questions. Then it hit me....these people are different.

There's a certain group of people who are ALWAYS looking for that something extra, that something that they can do to improve faster, something that's going to take what they're learning and enhance it, ANYTHING that's going to give them an edge over every one else.... they WANT IT!

I NEEDED to give them the ability to do exactly that.

Just some of the things I was asked for:

  • More Direct Access To Certified RST Instructors
  • Personalized And Quick Feedback Utilizing Our Online Swing Analysis Tool
  • The Ability To Work On Your Swing Whenever And Wherever
  • A More "Interactive Experience" And The Ability To Follow Along With Me As I Talked You Through Each And Every Movement Of The Golf Swing

After reading thousands of emails and listening to members feedback, welcome to it, because I not only included everything listed above.....but a LOT MORE!

Let Me Officially Welcome You To RotarySwing Academy!

You made it this far, that tells me YOU are one of the ones who want it and are willing to put in the effort to get there. So let's talk about exactly what you're going to find inside.

My Entire Rotary Swing Clinic

During the winter months, I host a handful of intimate setting clinics for a small number of students where myself and my instructors work hands on in and intensive two day course. It's like a RotarySwing baptism and it's transformational for every single student.  

For the past 10 years, I've sold out every single one.  

This testimonial from Kerry N. says it all:  

"I'd like to send my thanks for your time and effort during this past weekend's clinic. You were very effective in the delivery of your information, and I definitely connected with the elements of Rotary Swing Tour. Your passion for helping golfers improve shows in your dedication to these concepts, your professional approach to improving your craft and the way you interact with your students. I'm extremely excited about applying your "absolutes" to my swing ..... my days of tinkering are over“  

But these clinics aren’t cheap, at $3,000 per person plus travel expenses, the total cost quickly adds up to $5,000.  

Well guess what, you don't have to worry about that because I've done the ENTIRE clinic INSIDE of your RSA Membership Portal AND it's even better than if you had been to the clinic IN PERSON!

In this clinic alone, there is over 5 hours of information. We go MUCH deeper on EVERY aspect of the swing, from exactly how the brain learns all the way to the follow through. I could leave you with just this and it would be more than worth your time

Now, you may be thinking "hold on Chuck, in a live clinic you're getting hands on teaching so how is this better".

I've got you MORE than covered on that and here's how:

The Best Swing Coaches - IN Your Living Room

I've spent more than a decade training other instructors how to teach the RotarySwing method and let me tell you, It is NOT a cake walk to earn the right to call yourself an instructor here.

Just to get their foot in the door requires 3 months of study and passing a 120 question exam with a score 90% or higher. Almost NOBODY passes on the first try. I demand they be THE BEST instructors in the industry so I can make sure my members get the BEST results.....in other words, that test is HARD!

When you work with a Certified RST Instructor, you KNOW you're getting the creme of the crop.

So what does that mean for you?

With RSA, You Don't Have To Leave Your Home To Work With One Of Them!

As a Rotary Swing Academy member, I'm including 2 free swing reviews per month (it's actually slightly more than that - we give you a free review every 2 weeks for a total of 26 per year, but note that they don't stockpile, so use them or lose'em!).

And I'm paying them for it out of my own pocket. I want to ensure that when you join RSA that you make huge improvements and regular access to a second set of eyes is CRITICAL. You've got that now!

As long as you maintain your normal Premium Membership, you'll get a free swing review by the best instructors in the business every two weeks - FOR LIFE!!!!

Just For Fun, Let's Do The Math!

If you took a golf lesson with your local pro every two weeks for just one year at the going rate of $100+ per hour (and hardly anybody charges that little), that would cost you $2600 in just the first year. Do it for the next ten years and you're up to $26,000!!!

You're not going to get anywhere near that first years number with an RSA membership and the BEST part is you never have to leave your house!

EVERY Single Drill Can Be Done INDOORS!

Just the clinic content and included lessons put the value in the thousands....but there's MORE!

I really wanted to go above and beyond. If YOU are prepared to do what it takes to really improve at record pace, I wanted to make sure you had EVERYTHING you needed. I wanted this to TRULY be THE best golf swing learning program ever created.

So I came up with something never before done in the golf industry.

The ONLY Step By Step Program On The Market

A step by step, follow along VIDEO program specific to learning the exact same RST movements I teach in the hands on portion of my golf clinics, BUT they can now be done in the comfort of your own home!

These videos have been a HUGE hit with our current RSA members and it's all because it COMPLETELY takes out all the "thinking".

1. Load The Video

2. Hit Play

3. Do Exactly What I'm Showing You To Do As I Perform The Movements WITH You.

I walk you through each movement, tell you what to feel, what to see in the mirror and give you little nuggets of info while you're doing the movements with me that will allow the "secret" moves of the pros to come to life in your own swing!

Have A Look At Just SOME Of What's Included:

Core Rotation - Left Arm - Add Club

This is the original RSA follow along video and it was a HUGE hit! The reason? It covers the 3 main things that ALL amateur golfers struggle with. Learning how to power the swing with your trunk instead of your arms, how to integrate your left arm into that movement, and combining the club and left arm together in one perfect golf swing.

If you struggle with over the top, too much hit from the top, losing lag, no power and sequencing the swing, this one program will help you make HUGE strides in your swing.

Power Release Program

This is what it's ALL about! The release is the most fun, most exciting part of the golf swing. It's the big payoff for all the hard work you put into making a perfect backswing and elegant weight shift.

See that extension in my arms? That's what you'll look like as I walk you through what a pro release feels like and the speed that comes from it! Good bye chicken wing, hello effortless club head speed!

9 To 3 Program

NOTHING is more important to mastering the golf swing than perfecting the movements that you do through the hitting area. This is exactly what this program teaches you. Every single position, feeling and movement into impact and the release.

If you had to do just one drill for the rest of your life, this is it. You will learn how to post up like a pro and you'll be shocked how well you start compressing the ball with such a compact swing, and you'll be pleased to find the full swing is little more than adding a little more turn to this drill.

Heavy Club Program

For most of us, being right handed means our left hand isn't very strong or coordinated. As you know, the left hand controls the club face and is responsible for your impact conditions, which at the end of the day, is all that matters. That means your left hand is extremely important to you being a consistent and powerful ball striker.

This program will help you develop the strength and coordination necessary to play elite level golf while reinforcing the training of the left hand - a win-win!

Overspeed Program

Want more club head speed? Then this is for you! This is part of the program I developed and used myself to take my average club head speed from 112 mph to 124 mph in two months. Boosting your club head speed is mostly about swing mechanics, but once your mechanics are solid, you have to literally "teach" your muscle cells to fire faster.

This program follows the proven principles of "overspeed" to do exactly that. Most students pick up between 5 and 10 mph following this program.

The Whole Kaboodle (Full Swing Program)

Want to learn how to put ALL the pieces together in one program? Then my Whole Kaboodle program is what you're looking for. This is for those that have the major pieces of the swing developed already and want to take it to the course as one full swing drill.

This is a culmination of all your work. I take you from setup to the perfect backswing all the way to the follow through. It's really for "glueing" all the pieces together into one beautiful, effortless move.

My Consistency Routine

I've read literally thousands of emails from all my members and the one thing people want more than anything else is consistency. This is the exact routine I use that builds on everything you've learned to groove your swing before a round of golf or just when things get a little off.

I reinforce the checkpoints and feelings so that you will make better compression, have complete control over the club face and trajectory of each and every shot. Solid and consistent contact will be your reward.

Master The Transition Program

Show of hands, how many of you struggle with the transition? Well, no more after working through this sequence of movements. Do this program for 30 days and your transition will be as good as any golfer in the world. 

The trick is the sequence in which you practice the movements and where your focus lies. This program is about making you focus on the movements that really matter like weight shift and core rotation, so you stop worrying about that darn club and little white devil!

Shallow The Club Program

Do you swing over the top and struggle to drop the club "into the slot"? Want that look of the pros where the hands drop straight down instead of working out toward the ball and steep?

This program will teach you how to shallow the golf club like the pros so you can approach the ball from the inside and get rid of that banana slice forever! You'll discover a completely new feeling to the swing that will free you up to release the golf club as hard as you want, giving you more speed AND control!

RotarySwing was designed to help you create a more consistent golf swing, hit the ball further, and reduce injuries.

RotarySwing Academy will help you achieve all of those as quickly and as easily as possible, with a MUCH HIGHER level of service and touch points in the process.

PLUS, because you've shown the initiative to improve on a high level, I want to give you something EXTRA as a bonus!

Interactive Digital Version Of The RST Level 1 Instructor Manual

In order to become a Certified RST Instructor, you have to study this very long, very in depth book I wrote called the RST Level 1 Certification Manual. This book is geared toward instructors, but I've sold thousands to regular golfers like yourself.

With RotarySwing Academy, I took the time to create a new, interactive digital version that not only includes every single chapter from the actual book, but reworked it into the ultimate amateur golfer learning tool.

The feedback for this has been AMAZING!

While it took me months to write it, it will take you weeks to read it - there's a LOT of very important information in there.

Information that you've never heard before but once you read it you'll say to yourself, " Ya, that makes complete sense, why doesn't everyone teach this?!"

And it's yours as a bonus when you sign up today! It's just my way of saying thanks for joining RSA and one more way that I can ensure your success with the program!

NOW, There Is ONE Caveat. Due to the time it takes with the swing reviews, we ONLY allow a certain amount of new members per month.

So let's break it all down in an itemized list:

EVERYTHING You're Getting Today When You Join RotarySwing Academy

  • 26 Swing Reviews From Our Certified Instructors (One Every Two Weeks)
  • My Entire $3,000 Live Clinic Where We Take A Deep Dive Into EVERY Aspect Of The Swing
  • My “Follow Along” Video Course That Gives You A Step By Step Program That I Do WITH You
  • The RST Learning Course - You May Not Want To Become An Instructor, But This Will Show You What It Takes
  • Priority Access To Our Inbox To Get Answers Fast - You Move To The Top Of The List
  • Many More Years Of Enjoyable Golf....Without The Injuries.


The Best Swing of Your Life Guarantee AND You'll Get It In Record Time

Ok, now let's remove the final barrier that you're thinking about right now. Chuck, what if I'm not happy with what you've put together when I get in there? It's simple.

If You're Not Happy, I'm Not Happy!!

If you don't like RSA within the 14 day trial period, simply email us for a full refund!


Are You Ready??!!

Take YOUR Game To The Next Level - Join RotarySwing Academy Now 

Now, I realize I can sit here and tell you how great this is all I want, but it's so much better coming from members!

“I’ve spent thousands of dollars on private golf lessons to try and help issues with my weak back. After starting your trainings I’m absolutely amazed and thankful to report that my back issues are gone! Thank you so much!

- Carey S.

“Guess what, I just won my first competition of the year with 40 points of an 8 handicap! I love the way you break everything down and I’m looking forward to continuing to work on my swing through the winter using your program.”

- Billy B.

Take YOUR Game To The Next Level - Join RotarySwing Academy Now 

“Just wanted to say how awesome your approach to the swing is. It’s honestly the greatest thing I’ve ever tried for my own swing. I applied everything I’ve learned and went out and shot my best score in 2 years. I’ve always had too many swing thoughts and what I did today with your help was incredible - I could hit it anywhere I wanted! Thanks!” 

- Randy B.

“Please pass on to Chuck that his instruction style is engaging, informative and easy to follow. I've played and struggled for a long time and now by following the 5 step and drills , I have finally discovered how a golf swing is suppose to "feel"! The program is awesome if you are prepared to put in the work.”

- Mark S.

I have taken lessons from various PGA professionals (in 20 years of golfing) and I now have a better understanding of the golf swing than most of them; for sure all of my past instructors. I really do not know how to thank Chuck for what he has taught me in golf, except to tell anyone that is interested in golf to check out your website. I really feel that Chuck should be placed in the Golf Hall of Fame for the best instruction in golf.

- Caleb H.

“I have been with RotarySwing for about 3 years now and this year has has been my most productive, best, enjoyable year of golf for me. I hit the ball farther, better and more consistent than ever before. My index has gone from a 11.5 to a 7.1 (single digit for 9 months) this year alone and since joining RST, a 16.0 to 7.1. Because of Chuck, I have had many firsts for me: 14 GIR's, 25 putts, 5 birdies, 14 fairways (4 times) in one round. The best part is I feel that I am just starting to apply all that RST has to offer and have a long way to go. I just turned 65 this year, so to do this at this age is just the best!"

Take YOUR Game To The Next Level - Join RotarySwing Academy Now 

There's a TON more testimonials below, but I think you get it. This WORKS!

I'll see you on the inside,