Tomorrow, I'm going to send you a new video that you can use to immediately improve your golf swing. (Don't want to wait? Watch it here now!)

But first, Can I ask you a quick question???

Why are you here?

Are you looking on the internet AGAIN for that magic bullet to "fix" your swing?

Do you still believe there is that ONE thing out there that you haven't discovered yet that will make you a consistent ball striker?

Are you tired of searching and not finding the answers?

What if the answers to your inconsistency could be finally found - today, right now?

And the answer didn't lie in some gimmicky training aid or another $400 driver...

It didn't even lie in you taking more golf lessons...

In fact, to solve your inconsistency, you don't even have to leave your living room!

If I promised to fix your inconsistency, increase your distance AND protect your body, would you be interested?

Are you tired of all the BS instruction out there?

If you answered "HECK YA!", then you've finally found the answer you've been searching for!

And best of all, I'm going to tell you that I can fix your swing, I'm going to show it to you.

I believe talk is cheap and the camera never lies.

So, how about I just show you what you can accomplish in just 3 weeks from now - or less?

Take a look at this video of a recent student who transformed his swing - without even leaving his house:

Ready to Play Golf to Your TRUE Potential?Choose Your Plan:

Full Access to the DEAD Drill Learning System
*best deal & most popular
$47 /mo $19.97 /mo

SAVE $$$ - Yes! I want this offer! >>>

Want to See How FAST Your Swing Can Transform?

Nolan's story is just one of hundreds of thousands of golfers I've helped since I founded RotarySwing back in 2005...

Here are a few more:

"Before I was hitting my driver 265 yards, now I am at 300 most of the time dead straight. Shot a 77 today with three 3 putts from 10 feet. Amazing!!!!! I have got a Trackman at home, but the money I spend on RotarySwing was the best I ever did!" - Dr. Jürgen Stelzig

"Absolutely amazing, brilliantly done and surpasses my expectations." - Brian Cahill on the NEW DEAD Drill Learning System

"I took the online lessons on a few years ago and it changed my game. I was having a swing issue in my last couple rounds and I came across the DEAD drill video last week and watched it . During a round on Sunday again having issues with my swing I stopped on the 7th tee and did the DEAD drill a few times to remind myself of the proper fundamentals. I then teed off and drove the ball right into the hole! Hole in one on a short par 4 (258 yards)! I completely owe it to you for that simple drill to keep me on track during my round! Thank you!!!" - Mike Breed

"Have to write and thank again! Last weekend shot (78)+6, in competition on AM Tour. 2nd time I shot in 70s in competition since working the Rotary Swing system. I NEVER thought I would shoot in 70s in competition in my life. Last weekends’ competitive round: 14/14 fairways. 11 GIR. NO double bogeys. And it wasn’t hard or ever in doubt. Won a 1 hole playoff on the first hole. Amazing! Best round of my life . . . So far! My handicap is dropping quickly right now." - Jeff Edmunds

But, none of this stuff means anything if you don't experience it for yourself...

So, how'd you like to learn to hit the ball consistently for less than the cost of a box of Pro V1's (that, let's be honest, you're going to lose anyway!)???

The DEAD Drill learning system makes it simple, here's what you're going to get:

  • The 6 core DEAD Drill videos that walk you through exactly how to learn a swing that is consistent, powerful and helps prevents injury.
  • All the support videos that go more in depth on each step so no stone is left unturned, so you understand exactly how to practice.
  • Post questions in our forum where a Certified RotarySwing instructor will answer any question you have about the swing.
  • Lower scores, more distance, unmatched consistency and most importantly - more fun!

Get the Support You Need to Build Your Consistent Swing!

Don't think that you're going to be going at this all alone either! We've got your back every step of the way!

Not only will you get support by being able to ask our Certified Instructors questions on the site, we also want to give you access to our exclusive Facebook Group.

In here, you will be able to post and get feedback of your swing for free and get the support of our entire online community to help you each step!

There are thousands of members in the group with dozens of new posts every day that you can learn from, or post your own to get feedback yourself.

And since you took the time to watch this video, I want to extend access to the group (normally reserved for Premium Members only) to you!

Click here to request access to the group - It's my gift to you for watching today's video!

What is the DEAD Drill Learning System?

There's one thing we can't change in life when it comes to learning the golf swing - how our brains learn...  

The science of learning is quite simple, our brains require repetition to learn a new movement...  

If you're working on dozens of different "tips" or "swing thoughts" it will take years and years to become a good golfer, if you ever do...  

But with the DEAD Drill online learning system we've been able to cut the learning time down to as little as a few weeks!!!  

That's because the DEAD Drill is the only drill of it's kind - the entire golf swing is learned as one complete yet simple movement...  

We break it down into 6 simple videos:

dead drill golf

Each video covers literally everything you truly need to know about each part of the swing in a simple way and in less than 8 minutes each. Then, each video has supporting videos that allow you to deep dive and further understand key concepts about the swing such as pushing vs. pulling, creating club head speed and more. There are over 300 additional reference videos that you can refer to at any time that you want a deeper understanding. But the 6 core videos truly are everything you need! Imagine that, a swing that is truly "tour caliber" and it can all be learned in your living room with just 6 short videos! It's a revolution in golf swing learning and will be the best investment you ever make in your swing. You will have more distance with less effort all while protecting your body from injury!

You're Never Alone...

online golf instruction

One of the most important aspects of improving is having someone who's an expert help guide you along...

So, we've integrated the 6 step DEAD Drill learning system into our online swing reviews that are done by our team of Certified pro instructors...

My team of instructors have performed over 80,000 swing reviews, so trust me, there's nothing you're doing in your swing we haven't fixed before!!!

But what makes the DEAD Drill learning system so effective is that you can do a "checkout" review of each of the 6 steps...

That way you're always working on the exact right thing and getting coached every step of the way = no wasted time or effort...

Your coach will tell you exactly what you should be working on as you work through the system and you'll be able to track your progress every step...

It's like having the best golf instructors on the planet with you on every rep, every shot you hit!

Ready to Play Golf to Your TRUE Potential?Choose Your One Time Offer:

Annual Membership *best deal & most popular $564 /yr $197.97 /yr Your best golf for less than the cost of a new 3 wood!